Shiftwork Solutions LLC

Monday, March 24, 2008

Don't fight your schedule -- it might kill you!

A recent article on the San Francisco Chronicle’s web site, SFGATE.COM, discusses some of the concerns commonly associated with working night shift. This is a well written article that ends with a summary of hints for adjusting to shiftwork.

Most articles written on this subject tend to say that nights will ruin your health. This article takes the approach that nights can do just that, if you fight your schedule…so don’t fight your schedule.

The bottom line is that night shift is hard if you are a day shift person working nights. However, if you are able to change your lifestyle away from work, adjusting to night shift becomes much simpler. Getting enough sleep is what adjusting to nights is all about. This often means sleeping when the rest of the neighborhood is out and about. Creating a dark, quiet sleeping environment and sleeping at the same time every day are both essential to adjusting to working at nights.
One company, Lights Out Sealed Window Coverings, specializes in making covers that can completely darken your bedroom. We’ve looked their product in person and it looks very good.

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